Kingdom Services

The Webministry maintains several applications that support the East Kingdom.


Event Calendar

The East Kingdom event calendar allows information about events to be shared throughout the kingdom.

Branch seneschals and event stewards may submit event listings and update them as needed.


Order of Precedence

The Order of Precedence lists awards granted in the East Kingdom. The OP is updated when kingdom and baronial heralds file court reports with the Shepherd’s Crook herald.


East Kingdom Wiki

The East Kingdom Wiki contains information about the lands, customs, and populace of the kingdom. It may be updated by any resident of the kingdom.


Kingdom Officer Roster

The East Kingdom Officer Listing displays the names and official email addresses of the kingdom’s officers.

Senior Kingdom Officers can modify listings for their deputies and subordinates. To request a change in this listing, contact the senior-most officer in your department, or contact the webministry for assistance.


Google Applications (“G Suite”)

The East Kingdom has access to Google’s application suite through the Google for Nonprofits program. Branch officers who have transitioned to the new email addresses may use those accounts to log in to Google’s Drive, Docs, Sheets, Forms, and Slides applications.