This document will walk you through the creation and management of Officer emails. Within each section, you can find screenshots of the steps you will need to follow.
(If the office already exists and you just need to reassign it so that its email flows to a different account, see the “Changing Office Holders in FusionDirectory” page.)
While this document refers to Offices, the same process is followed for any instance where one or more people need to receive the incoming mail to an email address at your Branch. To make everything work with the Google platform, Offices are treated as/called Groups in our systems. This will allow us to accommodate things like a single address for Their Majesties (trm@), a team of event staff, and many other similar instances.
Important note: Even if you don’t need to create a new office right now, we recommend that you walk through the steps to Create a New Office in order to get familiar with the FusionDirectory interface. Many of the other things that Local Webministers will be asked to do are best understood by going through this process, and other operations may even refer back to these instructions. If you need an example office to try things out with, feel free to create “notanoffice@[YourBranch]”.
Sign In to FusionDirectory
In order to follow the steps laid out here, you will need to log in to East Kingdom’s FusionDirectory portal, located here:
To sign in, use your SCA member number and your East Kingdom password.

Creating a New Office
Step 1) From the main screen, click on the “Groups and roles” button. This can also be accessed from the link on the left hand side of the screen.
Step 2) Select the “Base” of the Branch or Department where your new office is located. You will only be shown those Branches/Departments which you have permission to manage.
Step 3) Mouse-over the “Actions” menu, then “Create”, and finally click on “Group”.
Step 4) On this screen, there are three things we need to add: Name, Members, and Description (optional, but highly recommended). For the Name of the group, enter a short name, all in lowercase. For example, if you are setting up for your local Shire’s first Chronicler, you could enter the name as “chronicler”.
For the Description, you should enter a short phrase describing what this Office is for. To continue with our above example, if the group is the Shire of Notaplace, you could enter something short like “Chronicler of Notaplace”, or something longer like “Office of the Chronicler of Notaplace.”
Important note: Please do not press the Enter key inside of the Description field, and do not use quotes. Both of these will cause other problems with creating your group.
Once you have entered a Name and Description, click the “Add” button in the ‘Member objects’ section
Step 5) The screen you are now on is the “Object Selection Screen”. Click on the “Base” area above the object list and select / [Root], or click the icon that looks like a house in that area – this will allow us to get to the overall list of users in the East Kingdom. Once you do, you will be presented with a lot of information, and it will probably seem pretty overwhelming if you’re not familiar with systems like FusionDirectory. Don’t Panic – we’re about to show you how to make it much easier to digest, but it will take a couple of steps to get there.
Here’s what the screen might look like, along with a circle around the area that is about to become your best friend – the filter.
Step 6) In the “Filter” area, click the final check box, marked “Search in subtrees”. This will reload the page without the list of Branches and Departments at the top. Then, search for the user you would like to add to this Office by typing a name (full or partial) or a member number into the search area directly under that “Search in subtrees” checkbox. Finally, hit the Enter key or press the “Apply filter” button to search on the string you entered. Notice that you get a much shorter list of responses here.
Important note: Due to a bug in the FusionDirectory software, we cannot support “groups of groups” at this time. What this means is that you cannot add the Officer “group” that you are creating to another group. If you attempt to do this, things will definitely break for the new group. If you run into a problem with this bug, please contact the Kingdom Webministry immediately.
Once you have found the person you are looking for, click on their name, which will add them to the list of Member objects.
If you need to add more than one person to this group (for whatever reason), click on the “Add” button again, which will take you back to your (pre-filtered) user list and repeat the process you just performed.
When you are ready to save this step, click the OK button at the bottom right of your screen.
Step 7) After clicking OK, you will be returned to the “Base” of your Branch/Department, and you should see your new office listed alongside the rest. Click on the name of that Office so that you can actually add email to it.
Take note of two of the tabs present when you open up this office for editing – Mail and Partage. These tabs will be greyed out until you complete the rest of these instructions. This is where our mail settings will go. First, click on the Mail tab, then immediately click on “Add Mail settings”.
Once you have done that, a new set of options will appear. The only options you will change (and in fact, the only ones that will ever be applied) are Primary address and Alternative addresses – the other fields are ignored.
The primary address should be the email address most used to contact that Officer. Continuing our example, something like “”. This must be a full email address. Alternative addresses are for any “aliases” to that Office. Some branches, for example, have an alias of “newsletter” that goes to the Chronicler.
Once this data is populated, click on the Partage tab, then immediately click “Add Partage settings”.
The only field that matters here is the “Display name”. This is the data that will show up in the Directory, when other East Kingdom users are searching for this Office, and when mail is sent out as this Office. Enter a short display name (like “Chronicler of Notabranch”) here.
Finally, click OK. This will save your changes and copy them out to our Google for Non-Profits installation.
If there are any errors, or problems with the data you entered, they will be displayed on the screen. Until those problems are resolved, your new Office will not work properly. If you need assistance, please contact the Webministry and we will be happy to help walk you through any difficulties you might be experiencing.