East Kingdom Email – Things to Know

As you should already know, the old (Roundcube/Virtualmin) email setup involves sending mail to a local mailbox on the eastkingdom.org server and/or forwarding out to an external email address. That setup has completely changed with the move to Google For Nonprofits – any email that has been moved works very differently now.

Here’s how email works in the new paradigm.
– Each individual person has a “members” email address tied to their member number (mine is 164263@members.eastkingdom.org)
– The “office” email addresses (like seneschal@yourbranch) are mapped as “Groups” of one or more people
– Email sent to those office email addresses are instead directed to the individual group members

To be very explicit about the changes for you and your users, once migration is done:
1) You can no longer get mail through Roundcube, or any existing POP/IMAP configurations.
2) You can no longer set up the automatic forward of email to a separate account.
3) You will need to log in to mail.google.com with your “members” account to access your email.

This should help clarify what has changed regarding email in the move to Google.

Next time: Some other docs and tools you might not know are out there.

In Service,

Baron David Vázquez de Valençia
Google for Non-Profit Development, East Kingdom Webministry

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