East Kingdom Accounts FAQ

For Everyone

Who can have an East Kingdom account?

Anyone who is both:

  1. A current member of the SCA (with membership card),
  2. who lives in the East Kingdom.

You don’t have to be an officer!  Any citizen of the East who is a current member can activate their account.

How do I set up my EK account?

Go to the new account page with

  • your blue card
  • a private email address (this will be where your initial password gets sent; and it will also be your recovery address if you ever forget your password in future)

..and follow the directions.  Your EK email address will be your-member-number@members.eastkingdom.org.

I get an error when I try to set up my account – what’s wrong?

Most of the time, this is for one of two reasons.

  1. There’s a mis-match between the name (SCA or mundane) on your blue card and/or the current census data, and what you’re putting into the account creation screen.  (Middle initials, accented letters, and the like are frequent culprits.) Please make sure you’re typing exactly what’s on your blue card.  If you’re sure that you are doing so, and it’s still not working, email the help desk.
  2. You aren’t in the most recent census data from Milpitas.  This usually happens if you have a brief lapse in membership – we won’t be able to activate your account until the new month’s census comes in (this is usually within the first week of the month).  However, if you’re sure that’s not the case, please email the help desk.

How do I log in for the first time?

  1. Go to gmail.com.
  2. In the box for “Email or phone”, type your East Kingdom email address (which is your-member-number@members.eastkingdom.org – e.g. “1234567@members.eastkingdom.org”) and click Next.
  3. Type your password in the Password box.

That’s all!

I forgot my password; how can I reset it?

Go to the lost password page and enter the recovery address you used when you originally set up your account.  A recovery link to set a new password will be emailed to you. (We also have a walkthrough with screenshots.)

How do I change my password?

Note that you cannot use the GMail password reset! (That is, you cannot click “Forgot password?” on the Google login page. You will receive an error message telling you to contact your administrator.)

  1. Go to members.eastkingdom.org and log in with your membership number & current password.
  2. In the left menu bar, under “My Account”, click on “User”, and then on the “Edit” button in the lowest right corner of your browser window.
  3. Under “Account Information”, type your new password in the “Password” blank, and then type it again in the “Password again” blank.
  4. Click the “OK” button in the lowest right corner of your browser window.

(You can also use the lost password page, if you prefer.)

How do I change my recovery email?

Please see our walkthrough on changing your recovery address.

How do I edit or change my displayed name?

Please see our walkthrough on editing or changing your displayed name.

I’m already a GMail user. How can I sign into this account too?

  1. From your existing GMail account, click on your user icon at the top-right of the screen (above the gear and to the right of the little app grid). A small menu will appear – click the “Add account” button.
  2. On the next page, type in your account name (membernumber@members.eastkingdom.org), then click Next.
  3. Enter your EK password.
  4. You’ll be sent to your new East Kingdom GMail inbox. If you want to swap between accounts, you can so do in the same menu you used in step one. Just click on the name/icon for your “other” GMail account, and you’ll swap back and forth easily.

When I open links or Google Docs, I keep getting an error about “you don’t have access to this”.  What’s the problem?

If you have more than one Google account open in the same web browser, sometimes permissions get confused between them.  There are a couple of ways around this issue:

  1. Fast-and-dirty: Open up your East Kingdom account in a different browser, or in an “incognito” or “private browsing” window of the browser you ordinarily use for your other Google account.
  2. Sign into multiple accounts from a single browser: 
    1. While logged into your personal Gmail account, click on your user icon at the top-right of the screen (above the gear and to the right of the small app grid). A small menu will appear – click the “Add account” button.
    2. On the next page, type in your account name (membernumber@members.eastkingdom.org), then click Next.
    3. Enter your password.
    4. You’ll be sent to your East Kingdom inbox. From this point, whenever you want to swap between accounts, you do it from the same menu you used in step one. Just click on the name/icon for your “other” Google account, and you’ll swap back and forth easily.
    5. Note: this sometimes still does not work for Google Forms, specifically.  For interacting with those, you may do better with option #1 or option #3.
  3. Sign into browser window: If you are a Chrome user, you can sign into Chrome with each of your Google accounts; they will then each exist in a separate browser window (with separate bookmarks, even).  Please see Google’s help page on Chrome sync for details.

For Officers


Remember that, as of December 2017, kingdom law requires that all kingdom and branch officers must conduct all business using their kingdom-provided email accounts. (VII.B.4)  Please make sure to check your EK account regularly.

I’m a new officer.  How do I set up my officer alias?

Talk to your branch or office webminister; they will make the actual change from the previous office-holder to you.  If they, or you, experience issues, or if your branch/office doesn’t have their own webminister, please contact the help desk.

Note that email relating to the office can be copied from the previous office-holder to you.  This request has to be initiated by either the previous officer or by the branch/ministry webminister; so if you think this will be useful to you, please reach out to them to get the train in motion. Once the request has been initiated, you’ll get a message asking you to approve it.

If the previous officer is not available to initiate or approve the transfer, contact the help desk.

How can I answer (some) mail from my officer alias?  

Please see our walkthrough for answering email from your officer alias(es).

How can I label/filter my email, especially for different offices?

Please see our walkthrough for email filtering & labeling.

I want to forward my EK email/officer alias; how can I do that?

That option has been restricted due to Kingdom law that mandates that any official business being done must be done through officially-provided email accounts.  So, to encourage regular checking of these emails through the official channels, the forwarding option has been disabled.  There are many ways to easily jump back and forth between accounts; please contact your branch/office webminister or the EK help desk for assistance on how to do so with your preferred email setup.