Copyrights and Releases

Before posting images or content created by others on your kingdom branch or office web site, you need to consider copyrights and whether you need a release.



Release forms are required for all intellectual property, artwork submissions, and photographs included in SCA publications.

The details of this policy are covered in the Society Webminister’s Handbook.

The release forms are available as electronically-fillable PDFs here:



Please respect copyrights! Placing copyrighted material on your local groups site without permission is a very serious matter. Reprinting material without permission could result in very serious legal charges, both against the offending local officer and the SCA itself. Local webministers will receive only one warning, should copyrighted material appear on your group website without the appropriate permission from the author. A second infraction will result in an immediate suspension of your warrant and your group will be asked to select a replacement.

The following should be added to your site disclaimers page if you are including photos, articles or artwork from other sources:

“For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the Webminister at [Webminister’s email address]. They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.”