The Kingdom Webminister is supported by a staff of officers and other volunteers that keep systems running, bring web sites up to date, and help folks throughout the kingdom communicate with the populace.
Have a question? Need help? Want to volunteer? Drop us a line using the official email addresses below, or contact the help desk for support.
East Kingdom Webminister
Baron Symon of Barnesdale (He/Him/His) is the Kingdom Webminister, and has served in a variety of roles for the webministry, including Canton and Baronial webminister, Wiki admin, Help Desk team, and Deputy Kingdom Webminister. He’ll tell everyone that this is the best team in the world.
- Email:
- Wiki: Symon of Barnesdale

Deputy Kingdom Webminister
Mistress Vika Grigina z Prahy (She/Her/Hers) is the Deputy Kingdom Webminister, repsonsible for day-to-day internal Webministry matters – officer management, internal and most external communications and the like.
- Email:
- Wiki: Vika Grigina z Prahy

Deputy Webminister for Services
Master Joel Messerer (He/Him/His) is the Deputy Webminister for Services, heading up the crunchy technical side of our office, as well as advising extensively on any policies relating to the services we provide.
- Email:

Deputy Webminister for Development
Maestro David Vázquez de Valençia is responsible for the development of various applications, tools, and service integrations (such as the Mail Migration and Account Creation tools), and oversees much of the “glue” that makes the new email implementation work.

Deputy Webminister for Support
works to ensure the smooth functioning of the Webministry’s help desk, ensuring that the populace are connected to the information and services they need.
- Email:

Webminister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Maistir Mael Eoin mac Echuid (He/Him/His) is an Advisory and Special Projects Deputy Webminister, has been a member of the Webministry at the Kingdom level for about 10 years, and has held a number of local offices in small and large groups, from a Canton’s Deputy Knight Marshal through Landed Baron. His service in groups big and small, and in a variety offices, has shaped his view of what visitors, members and especially our officers need from an office like ours in this day and age.

Radical Stunt Deputy Webminister
Meister Matthias von Würzburg (He/Him/His) is an Advisory and Special Projects Deputy Webminister, and has served in a variety of roles for the webministry for nearly 25 years. He is very enthusiastic to promote the potential of the Webminister’s office and encourage and recognize those who serve in the role, particularly at the local level.

Royal Liason Deputy
Lady Tessa Maria da Siena (She/Her/Hers) has served as a Webminister for Malagentia as well as the East Kingdom College of Performers and Their Highnesses Tindal and Alberic. In the role of Royal Liaison she works with the Crown and Heirs to determine what their electronic necessities may be.
- Email:

Tir Mara Crown Principality Deputy Webminister
Lady Esperanza de Córdoba serves as the Deputy Webminister for the Crown Principality of Tir Mara. She has previously served as the local webminister for the Barony of Ruantallan as well as being the Royal Webminister for Their Majesties Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi, and is active in various activities that look to promote the identity of Tir Mara.

Webministry Help Desk Minions
Joining several of the deputies listed above on our help desk are the following gentles.
- Lord Edward Talbot
- Lady Sisuile Butler
Their efforts in keeping things moving are indispensable.