
There are several ways to reach out for help as a webminister.  Please do not hesitate to use any or all of the following:

Contact The Webministry

The first step to get help (and you should do this even if you are also using one of the other channels, below) is to contact the EK Help Desk. However, if you have a specific question or topic to discuss, you can also reach out to the appropriate member of the Webministry team.

Subscribe to the Mailing List

The WM-Staff email list is a great resource.  To join, just send an email to from your East Kingdom account. Or, if you prefer, you can go to the Google Groups page for the list while logged into your East Kingdom account, and then click the blue “Join this group” link at the bottom of the pop-up box.

If you are already a webminister, your officer email alias should be subscribed to it automatically; but any member of the East Kingdom can do this to stay apprised of what’s going on — while it is an “official” list, data flowing through there is not particularly sensitive. 

Note: You can only subscribe to the list from your East Kingdom account!

Join The Chat Channels

Slack – Slack is a chat space which allows for channel-specific discussions, image sharing, and archiving conversations.  It’s a great chat tool with access to many people inside and outside the Webministry.  As long as you have an email address, you will be able to register.  If you do not have an email address with that domain, please reach out to the Help Desk and we can invite you.