
Administrative access to websites, officer, and account management may not be given to unwarranted individuals. Only warranted webministers will have access.

Renewing a Warrant

Webministers should fill out the warrant form (Only available when logged in to an East Kingdom Account) when their information changes or when their warrant expires. Warrants are valid for two years. The form does not need to be filled out multiple times to hold multiple webminister positions, as the warrant is for the individual, not for the specified office.

Instructions for a new Webminister:

Either the outgoing webminister (when available) OR the local group Seneschal needs to send an email to the Kingdom Webminister confirming the appointment of a new webminister, complete with that webminister’s SCA name and email address.

The new webminister should then fill out the warranting form (Only available when logged in to an East Kingdom Account).